A Simple NeatTools session - by rob

  1. Turn ON EDIT MODE.
  2. Turn ON the LINK VIEW.
  3. Show us the DISPLAY TOOLBOX.
  4. Left-click and drag a 1D SLIDER Object (or "Module") onto the NeatTools desktop.
  5. Left-click and drag an INTEGER Object (or "Module") onto the desktop.
  6. Left-click and select a 1D VIEWER Object (or "Module") onto the desktop.
  7. Connect the Integer output of the 1D SLIDER Object to the Integer input of the INTEGER Object.
  8. Connect the Integer output of the INTEGER Object to the Integer input of the 1D VIEWER Object. (note: the connection could, equally well, be made from output of 1D SLIDER Object to input of 1D VIEWER Object)
  9. Turn OFF EDIT MODE (or else you'll drag SLIDER around).
  10. Voila... Slide away!